7 Choices of Facial Masks for Oily Skin

With a face mask for oily skin, say goodbye to dull and shiny facial skin. Did you know that oil on the face is produced by a gland called sebacea. For some people, the sebaceous glands that they have are too active in producing oil. As a result, their skin will look greasy and shiny. Fortunately, oily skin can be overcome with a variety of natural face mask options below. But don't forget, yeah, to always wash your face first before applying the mask to your face. The goal is that the pores are clean and free of bacteria and dirt so that the mask will be well absorbed into the pores of the face. Several types of natural masks for oily skin, including: Mud mask Mud or clay masks are thought to be able to clean pores and absorb oil. However, doctors recommend to occasionally use a face mask for oily skin on this one because it is feared that it can make the skin become too dry. If you are interested in making mud masks, here's how: Mix 1 tablespoon of mud or clay (such ...